Every so often, it is necesary to change study programme, because this allow you to look for new routes that are beneficial for the study and not stay with your regular method. It is also important to publicize thse ideas because in addition to helping you, it can help many other people who want to make change in their study program and make it a more pleasant coexistence for everyone.

Well, i thinking about the change that I would like to make, it would be first of all, to lower the years of study that universuty careers have, not only my área but all; This is because there many semester that contain subjects that are not influential in the career and only server to fill in the years. In Chile is a problem since education is lucrative and every year it is really expensive for the average university student.

Another change that I would make would be in the way university professors teach, I don’t include everyone, but I would like there to be a more interpersonal connection in classes, a motivation that encompasses everyone,  that helps us feel confident that their class is important, and is more than just reading a ppt full of unintelligible information.

Finally, a change that I would make in the faculty would be modifications in the size  of laboratories and study romos, which allows us to respect social distancing and gives us the security to return to classes without fear of being infected by the pandemic that attacks us today. 


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